International grade comparisons

UK ENIC’s International Grade Comparisons database is designed to help employers, professional bodies, universities and colleges identify the brightest and best individuals from across the world.

The International Grade Comparisons database has the information and data on grade profiles and grade comparisons that can give you vital help with your academic decision-making.

What is in the database?
  • More than 4,000 qualifications from 186 countries, former states or territories.
  • Cutting edge grade comparisons data for an expanding number of countries.

Easy to use and understand

Clear graphics show grade profiles achieved internationally compared to UK A Levels and Bachelor degrees counterparts.

A new feature shows historic data for previous years, where this is available, so that you can see changes in grade profiles across the years.

Who benefits from this service?

Subscribing to the International Grade Comparisons database will help you:

  • Identify individuals achieving higher grades in A Levels and Bachelor level degrees from more than 130 of the key feeder countries to the UK
  • Compare multiple sets of data relating to differing grading systems, awards and awarding bodies in the same country
  • See certificate examples
  • Understand more about the complex grading systems used across the world.

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To sign up to International Grade Comparisons please register.

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