The UK national agency for international qualifications and skills
Welcome to UK ENIC – the UK National Information Centre for the recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills.
UK ENIC has been working with individuals, universities, colleges, professional bodies and governments across the globe providing the international reference point for qualifications and skills standards.
UK ENIC is managed by Ecctis on behalf of the UK Government.
Individuals - use this website to apply for a UK ENIC Statement of Comparability.
For Visas and Nationality Statements (for UK Home Office applications), and for Industry Skills Statements ( for construction and electrical sectors) go to the Ecctis website
Organisations - become a member to access our world-leading international education databases. ( Members: log-in here.)
For our comprehensive range of training, additional resources, online tools, and development and benchmarking services - visit the Ecctis website Ecctis also provides the Visas and Nationality bundle service.