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UK ENIC is involved in a range of European-funded projects to support best practice in the recognition of qualifications and skills.

For more information about our projects, email [email protected].

Road to Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Access Qualifications (ARAQUA)

The ARAQUA project started in December 2022 and was completed in November 2024. The aims of the project were to:

  • give recommendations for ENIC-NARICs and higher education institutions about the automatic recognition of higher education access qualifications  
  • promote discussion among ENIC-NARICs and higher education institutions about the procedures and criteria for automatic recognition of higher education access qualifications

This project was led by the Academic Information Centre (AIC), which is the Latvian ENIC-NARIC. UK ENIC were partners, along with the ArmENIC and the ENIC-NARICs of Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Romania and Slovakia.

Find out more about the ARAQUA project report (opens in a new tab).

Comparing Qualifications for Reliable Recognition (QUATREC 2)

As part of the QUATREC-2 project, higher education institutions and employers were encouraged to use learning outcomes more efficiently in the evaluation process. The project tested an approach for using learning outcomes during credential evaluation.

The QUATREC project was funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The project was led by the Academic Information Centre (AIC) (Latvia), in partnership with:

  • UK ENIC, United Kingdom
  • National Centre for Information and Documentation, Bulgaria  
  • Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, Lithuania  
  • National Information Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility, Armenia 
  • National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas, Romania  
  • Vytautas Magnus University – International Cooperation Department, Lithuania

The Comparative Study Report, Recommendations and further details of the project can be found on the AIC website.

View the report, recommendations and further details of the project (opens in a new tab).

Stacking Credits and the Future of Qualifications (STACQ)

This project aimed to give support for institutions to evaluate micro-credentials. The project developed an online tool, The Micro-Evaluator (opens in a new tab), that will help admitting institutions to evaluate micro-credentials. The project also created a paper on the future of micro-credentials (opens in a new tab).

The STACQ project was funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The project was led by Nuffic (the Dutch ENIC-NARIC), in partnership with:

  • ENIC-NARIC Malta
  • ENIC-NARIC Lithuania
  • ENIC-NARIC Sweden

ENIC-NARIC Ireland was the sub-team and the steering group included:

  • European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA)

Aiding Digital Diploma Supplement Usage and Promotion (ADDS UP)

This project aimed to improve the use of the Diploma Supplement. The project supported higher education institutions to issue the document automatically, digitally, free and in a major European language to every graduate.

This project ran from October 2020 to October 2022. It involved:

  • identifying current practices
  • sharing of best practices
  • a peer review process

The project was led by UK ENIC, in partnership with (links open in new tabs):

Training module

The training module helps higher education institutions to learn more about the benefits of the Diploma Supplement and how it can be issued to students.

The project has produced a training module, guidance and a survey stock take report (opens in a new tab).

The module is divided into three sections:

  1. What is the Diploma Supplement and what are digital credentials? 
  2. What are the benefits of issuing a digital Diploma Supplement?
  3. What are the practicalities around issuing a digital Diploma Supplement?

Watch the training module on YouTube (opens in a new tab).

Global Outreach – European Recognition Practices (GO-ERP)

This project focused on development the European dimension on recognition through joint activities, involving network-to-network sharing of good practices between the ENIC-NARIC networks and the networks in Asia and Africa. The project aimed to:

  • review existing recognition practices and tools 
  • create materials on recognition tools and practices used in Europe
  • develop and deliver webinars and workshops 
  • collect and share information on the current state-of-play in Asia and Africa to the ENIC-NARIC Networks

The project resulted in:

  • a reflection of how well European tools and initiatives could be used outside of the Europe 
  • delivery of a series of webinars and virtual workshops
  • an in-person workshop alongside the UNESCO Asia Forum in Almaty

The GO-ERP project was funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The project was led by UK NARIC in partnership with:

  • Nuffic, Netherlands
  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czechia

Allocating Credit to EU Professional Training Programmes (ACEPT)

The ACEPT project aimed to standardise the recognition of professional training programmes. This involved the development of a tool for allocated credit to professional training programmes, through the use of a PQProfile (opens in a new tab).

The profile:

  • enables institutions to establish the information needed to facilitate the allocation of credit
  • gives information to individuals who have completed professional training programmes

The ACEPT project was funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The project was led by UK NARIC, in partnership with these NARICs (links open in new tabs):

Evaluating e-Learning for Academic Recognition (e-VALUATE)

The e-VALUATE project focused on the recognition of e-learning programmes such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs). The project also aimed to improve the access that refugees have to higher education.

The project explored the current situation surrounding online learning, including quality assurance, authenticity and credit transfer. It also examined the types of information higher education institutions would need to recognise online learning.

The project published some papers aimed at supporting the recognition of online learning (links open in new tabs):


The e-VALUATE project was funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The project was led by Nuffic (Netherlands) in partnership with these ENIC-NARICs:

  • Denmark
  • Lithuania
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • UK

Automatic Recognition in the Networks (AR-NET)

The AR-NET project explored automatic recognition in the European Union and European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The project developed:

  • new guidelines for de facto automatic recognition
  • a new path of portability of recognition statements
  • updated practical tools to support compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention

The project published some papers aimed at supporting the recognition of qualifications (links open in new tabs):

This project also updated The STREAM Platform and the Standards and Guidelines for the ENIC-NARIC Networks.

The AR-NET project was funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The project was led by Nuffic in partnership with these ENIC-NARICs: 

  • Lithuania
  • Denmark
  • Portugal
  • Italy
  • Norway
  • Czechia
  • Ireland
  • UK

Comparing Qualifications for Reliable Recognition – QUATREC

The QUATREC project aimed to promote the use of learning outcomes as part of the credential evaluation process. This would improve the recognition of qualifications in accordance with existing and emerging qualifications frameworks. The project involved the comparison of qualifications and their learning outcomes.

The project resulted in a comparative study report (opens in a new tab).

The QUATREC project was funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The project was led by the Academic Information Centre (AIC) (Latvia), in partnership with these ENIC-NARICs:

  • UK NARIC, United Kingdom
  • National Centre for Information and Documentation, Bulgaria
  • Archimedes Foundation, Estonia
  • National Information Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility, Armenia