UK ENIC is the UK national information centre for international qualifications and skills. Previously UK NARIC, the organisation was renamed UK ENIC after the UK left the European Union. UK ENIC is managed by Ecctis for the UK government’s Department for Education.
What UK ENIC does
UK ENIC offers impartial, trusted judgement on international qualifications.
Our services make sure that the skills and qualifications of individuals coming to work, study or settle in the UK are recognised at the correct level. UK ENIC works with:
- every university in the UK
- all colleges that accept international students
- employers
- professional bodies
- UK government departments
- immigration advisers
UK ENIC supports these organisations to understand more about education systems and qualifications globally.
Lisbon Recognition Convention
UK ENIC gets its authority from the Lisbon Recognition Convention which came into effect in 1997.
The countries that have signed the Lisbon Recognition Convention must make sure that they can recognise qualifications from other countries. They must also set up a national agency for recognition. UK ENIC performs these duties for the UK government, making sure that the UK meets its international responsibilities.
Find out more about the Lisbon Recognition Convention (opens in a new tab).
The European Network of Information Centres (ENIC) and National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union (NARIC) work together in the ENIC-NARIC Networks to make it easier to find information about qualifications and recognition in different countries.
The roles of ENICs and NARICs are to give information about:
- international qualifications and education systems
- qualification recognition procedures
- national education systems
They may also evaluate qualifications and make decisions on recognition.
ENICs and NARICs have been created across Europe to meet the aims of the Lisbon Recognition Convention. The Council of Europe, the European Commission and UNESCO are responsible for the ENIC-NARIC Networks.
There are currently over 50 countries that are part of the ENIC-NARIC Networks (opens in a new tab).