Our ENIC Role
UK ENIC is a leading information service provider offering impartial, trusted judgement on international qualifications.
Our services have been developed to ensure that the skills, competencies and qualifications of those coming to the UK to work, study, practice or settle are recognised at the appropriate level. UK ENIC also supports every university in the UK, all colleges that admit international students, employers, professional bodies, UK Government departments, and immigration advisers understand more about educational, vocational and professional systems outside the UK.
UK ENIC is the designated United Kingdom national agency for the recognition and comparison of international qualifications and skills. We perform this official function on behalf of the UK Government.
Operating under contract to the Department for Education (DfE), UK ENIC serves as the UK’s information point on the recognition of overseas qualifications. We also provide the only official source of information on international education systems and qualifications attained from outside the UK, as prescribed by the Lisbon Recognition Convention.
UK ENIC is part of the European Network of Information Centres (ENICs) and the wider ENIC-NARIC network.
The United Kingdom is a signatory of the Lisbon Recognition Convention which obliges the signatory nations to make arrangements for recognising qualifications across borders and to provide information on education systems and higher education institutions. UK ENIC provides these services.